
#include <lthread_cpp/ssl.h>
using namespace lthread_cpp::net;
class SSLSocket

Turns a Socket() to SSLSocket()


You must call lthread_cpp::net::SSLSocket::init() once before any SSLSocket connection is received or established.

Member Functions

static void Init(const std::string& server_pem_filename, const std::string& server_key_filename, const std::string& ca_cert_filename, const std::string& ca_path)

Initializes SSL settings.

Throws:SSLException if it failed to initialize SSL context with any of the values provided.
SSLSocket(Socket&& s)

Initializes/wraps a new SSLSocket from an existing established Socket. Requires calling either SSLSocket::Accept() or SSLSocket::Connect() afterwards depending on whether the underlying TCP connection was accepted by the listener using Accept() or established via TcpConnect().


Initializes n new SSLSocket ready to connect to peer using SSLSocket::Connect().

void Accept(int timeout_ms=5000)

Initiates an SSL Accept with the assumption that the TCP connection was accept(2)-ed and not established via connect(2).

Throws:SSLException if ssl accept failed.
void Connect(const std::string& host_or_ip, short int port, int timeout_ms)

Establishes a TCP connection to host/ip:port and initiates an SSL Connect afterwards.

Throws:SSLException if SSL connect failed
Throws:SocketException on socket failure.
void RequirePeerVerification()

Will set SSL peer verification flag on.

std::string GetCertCommonName()

Returns common name in certificate received.

size_t Send(const char* buf, int timeout_ms=5000)

Sends a C style string over SSL socket.

Parameters const char* buf:
 NULL-terminated buffer.
Throws:SSLException on socket failure.
size_t Send(const char* buf, size_t length, int timeout_ms=5000)

Sends length bytes of buf over SSL socket.

  • const char* buf – Ptr to buffer containing data to send.
  • size_t length – Number of bytes to send from buf.
  • timeout_ms(optional, default=5000) – Milliseconds to wait before timing out.

SSLException on socket failure.

size_t Recv(char* buf, size_t length, int timeout_ms=5000)

Receives up to length bytes and place them into buf.

  • char* buf – Buffer to read data into.
  • size_t length – Buffer size to fill.
  • timeout_ms(optional, default=5000) – Milliseconds to wait before timing out.

SSLException on socket failure.

void Close()

Cleanly closes SSL socket and its underlying TCP connection.


SSL objects are movable but not copyable.



class SSLException

Inherits SocketException, raised on SSL errors.


using namespace lthread;
using namespace lthread::net;

void Proxy::HandleConnection(Socket& tcp_conn)

  SSLSocket client;
  std::string common_name;

  // do an SSL handshake over the new tcp connection we just received and grab
  // the required customer certificate after it has been verified against
  // CA certificates provided to SSLSocket::Init
  try {
    SSLSocket ssl_socket(std::move(tcp_conn));
    common_name = ssl_socket.GetCertCommonName();
    client = std::move(ssl_socket);
  } catch (SocketException& e) {
    LOG(ERROR) << "SSL handshake failed from "
        << tcp_conn.Desc() << ". (" << e.what() << ")";

  // At this point, client can send/recv bytes over established SSL
      client.Send("hello world!\n");